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Pimsleur Comprehensive German II on Cassettes
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Product Details:
- Audio Cassette
- Publisher: Pimsleur; 3rd edition (January 1, 2003)
- ISBN: 0743523482
- Product Dimensions: 13.0 x 10.4 x 2.2 inches
- Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds.
- Average Customer Review:
based on 3 reviews.
Customer Reviews
best of the Pimsleur German series., November 18, 2004
Reviewer: |
E. Nutt (Columbus, OH
USA) |
If you thought Pimsleur German I helped you to learn German, you
really must move onto Pimsleur German II. It is, without a doubt,
one of the best tools you could possibly use to progress from barely
being able to get your message across to being able to express not
only what you want, but what you think about things.
Both Pimsleur German I and II were updated in 2002, so they
represent the best of decades of trying to perfect the language
learning experience. What you will find in Pimsleur German II can't
easily be found anywhere else, because it teaches you to speak the
way Germans speak, complete with the little inflections that you
would use without even thinking in your native language. I've never
seen such things in any other program.
If you have the means, move onto Pimsleur German II as soon as
possible after finishing Pimsleur German I. It will put you light
years ahead in only a few short weeks.
March 31, 2004
Reviewer: A reader
The Pimsleur Program is great. I took German in high school and in
college for about 3 years, but I learned more from this CD course in
just one month. I would recommend this to anyone wishing to learn
the basics of a new language. I'm halfway through the Level III
edition now.
November 6, 2003
Reviewer: A reader
Repetition is extremely helpful. Intermediate to advanced. Purely a
speaking program versus learning how to read/write.
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