This is a game package that includes 100 picture cards and 100 Chinese character cards, a colored poster, a Chinese character poster and more. The learners will not only learn to recognize the characters and new words, but also learn to form sentences by using the cards. This game package has 10 different game levels. After playing the games, they should be familiar with the words on the cards and should be able to create sentences based on these cards.
The traditional verson, ISBN#0-9729521-0-1 is also available.
About the Author
Wendy Lin is a certified Chinese language teacher with two master degrees,
Education and Computer Science. She has written the Chinese curriculum for
Marlboro Middle School and has taught Chinese in several middle schools and
a high school in NJ as well as Chinese schools in New Jersey and New York.
The books Wendy Lin have published include the 10 book series "Prcatical Chinese", "Chinese For Children", "Games For Learning Chinese", and a game package "Practical Chinese Learning Games, 10 in 1". All of her books and the game package have been used in American schools as well as in Chinese schools nationwide.