"Practical Chinese" also known as "The Effective Way of Learning, Reading, Writing, and Speaking Chinese", is a series of ten books from the young beginner level to the advanced level and is specially designed for native English speakers of all ages. The books have been used for textbooks or self-study purposes. The first two books, for Beginners I & II, include various learning activities to make learning fun and easy for young learners. The entire book series not only allows learners to learn the language but also the culture and history. Vocabulary used in each chapter context gradually builds up from the previous chapters, and the later chapter provides opportunities to review the previous learned words. Various exercises in each chapter related to each learners life situation are designed to gradually expand the learning from character, to phrase, to sentence, and to paragraph. The instructions for each character stroke order and oral exercises are also included. Pinyin is used throughout the books to help with the pronunciation. Details about pinyin are included in the Level 1 book. Additional workbooks, and cassettes or CDs can be ordered separately.
The book series are as follows: (simplified or traditional character) Chinese for Children .coloring and activity book
For beginners I Fun way of learning read, write, and speak For beginners II ..Fun way of learning read, write, and speak Level 1 ..My family, schools, friends, and myself Level 2 ..Self introduction Level 3 ..Interests, occupations, animals, etc. Level 4 ..Daily conversation Level 5 ..Introduction to Chinese festivals Level 6 ..Introduction to Chinese dynasties Level 7 ..Introduction to famous Chinese people, inventions, and events Level 8 ...Introduction to Chinese idioms
Practical Chinese Learning Games 10 in 1 The game package lists 10
different levels of activities from recognizing characters and words to
making sentences. It provides not only the visual stimulation, but also the
verbal and listening exercises. It is an ideal learning tool for families
and schools.
About the Author
Wendy Lin is a licensed Chinese language teacher, owns two Masters' degrees:
an Education Master's degree and a computer Science Master's degree. Based
on her experience of teaching Chinese language and culture in both public
and private schools, as well as in American and Chinese schools, Wendy
designed these series books primarily for the students' daily needs.