
English-Chinese Dictionary Chinese-English Dictionary Language Learning Video Courses TOEFL/GRE/ GMAT Vocabulary

English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] : [簡體]



Traditional Chinese Translation for "acceptable":
  acceptable adj. 可接受的,合意的,合適的     [adj.可接受的 This proposal is not ∼.; socially ~ behavior 社會上所能容忍的行為; <<詞的變形>>:(more ~; most ~); ; ]
Related Entries:

acceptable rate     適當利率;適當匯率

acceptable means of compliance     適航性驗證方法

acceptable form of reciprocity     合理的互惠條件

acceptable emergency dose     急救容許劑量

acceptable deferred defect     可延緩待修故障

acceptable accommodation     適中居所

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