
English-Chinese Dictionary Chinese-English Dictionary Language Learning Video Courses TOEFL/GRE/ GMAT Vocabulary

English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] : [簡體]



Traditional Chinese Translation for "accessory":
  accessory n. 附件,同謀adj. 附屬的,同謀的     [He was an ~ to the murder. 他是那件謀殺案的從犯 ; be ~ after [before] the fact 為事後 [事前] 的從犯; ]
Related Entries:

accessory yolk     副卵黃,營養卵黃

accessory work     附屬作品

accessory thyroid     副甲狀腺

accessory thymus     副胸腺

accessory spleen     副脾

accessory sinuses of the nose     鼻旁竇,鼻竇

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