English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] :
Traditional Chinese Translation for "anything":
pron. 任何事 [Tell me if there is ~ wrong with this watch. 請告訴我這只表有什麼毛病Lend me something to read, ~ will do. 借我一些東西看,隨便什麼都可以; ]
Related Entries:
(as) as anything
anything but
(1) 除…之外的任何東西 I will do anything but that. 除了那件事以外,我什麼都願意做 (2) 絕非,並非,絕不 (是) ,並不 (是) The men was anything but rich. 這個人絕不是個富翁
anything else
anything like
(1) 一點都 (不…) ,絲毫 (不…) It's not anything like as hot today as it was yesterday. 今天不像昨天那樣熱 (2) 有幾分…,略微,些許 Is she anything like beautifur? 她還算美麗嗎?
for anything
給什麼都 (不…) ,無論如何 (絕不…) I will not give up halfway for anything. 我無論如何也不半途而廢
for anything I care
我才不在乎 [管不著] ,與我無關 He may die for anything I care. 他死也與我無關