English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] :
Traditional Chinese Translation for "around":
adv. 在附近,到處prep. 在...週圍,四處 [The good news soon got ∼. 那個好消息很快就散開了. Will you please wait ∼ for me? 你可不可以在附近等我?∼ two o'clock大約兩點 We sat ∼ the table. 我們坐在桌子週圍; ]
Related Entries:
all around
到處,四處; 一一地 shake hands all around 到處與人握手
around the corner
bat around
bring around
(1) 使<人>復蘇,使…清醒,使…恢復知覺 [精神健康 (等) ] The smelling salts brought her around. 嗅鹽使她蘇醒過來 A hot coffee will bring you around. 熱咖啡會使你恢復精神 (2) 說服<人>使其接受 […的意見] ,使…信服[…][to] They tried to bring me around to their point of view. 他們試圖說服我接受他們的觀點 (3) 帶<人、物>來[…][to] (4) = BRING about (2)
come around
(1) 迂回而來,繞道而來 (2) 隨興而至,順便到 Ccome around and see me this evening. 今晚來看我吧 (3)<季節等>再來臨,循環而至,輪到 Leap year comes around once in four years. 閏年每四年輪一次 (4) 蘇醒,恢復意識[健康] He fainted, but soon came around. 他暈了過去,但不久就蘇醒了 (5) 恢復情緒,快活起來; 言歸于好,結束爭論 (6)<人>改變意見; 贊成[同意] He will come around to my decision. 他將會贊同我的決定 (7)<風等>轉向 (8)『航海』 <帆船> 迎風 (9)[常以 it 作主詞](俚)月經來潮
drop around
= DROP by