English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] :
Traditional Chinese Translation for "bring":
vt. 帶來,產生,促使,提出vi. 停下 [(過去式,過去分詞 : brought)Take this empty box away and ∼ me a full one. 把這個空盒子拿走並給我拿個滿的 ∼ forth a proposal(∼ forward) 提出(建議,論據等); ]
Related Entries:
bring about
(1) 引起,造成,招致,導致 Nuclear weapons may bring about the annihilation of man. 核武器可能招致人類的滅亡 (2)『航海』使<船>轉向
bring around
(1) 使<人>復蘇,使…清醒,使…恢復知覺 [精神健康 (等) ] The smelling salts brought her around. 嗅鹽使她蘇醒過來 A hot coffee will bring you around. 熱咖啡會使你恢復精神 (2) 說服<人>使其接受 […的意見] ,使…信服[…][to] They tried to bring me around to their point of view. 他們試圖說服我接受他們的觀點 (3) 帶<人、物>來[…][to] (4) = BRING about (2)
bring back
(1) 為…帶 [攜] 回…; 將…歸還[給…][to] I'll bring you back the book tomorrow. = I'll ~ the book back to you tomorrow. 我明天會把書還給你 (2)[使人]記起 <往事> ,憶起,想起[to] Your words bring back many memories. 你所說的話令人想起許多往事 The letter brought it all back to her. 那封信使她想起了 (那事的) 全部情況 (3) 使<人>恢復 [健康狀態] [to] The change of air brought him back to good health. 易地療養使他恢復了健康
bring down
(1) 卸下<物> (2) 擊落 <飛機等> ; 打下<鳥等>; 射倒 <獵物等> I brought down the lion at a shot. 我一槍射倒那只雄獅 (3) 打倒 <政府、人等> ,使…垮台 bring down the government 打倒政府 (4) 降低<物價等>; 向 <商人> 殺價[到…],使…降價[to] bring down prices 降低物價 bring unemployment down to 3% 使失業率降到百分之三 bring a salesman down to a lower price 向銷貨員殺價 [使推銷員同意減價] (5) 將 <歷史記錄> 延續 [到後代] [to] The history has been brought down to modern times. 其歷史延續到現代 (6) 招惹 <災禍等> [到…]; 使<怒氣等>落于[…][on, upon] bring down a person's anger on one's head 使某人的怒氣發洩到別人身上 (7)(俚)使<人>沮喪,貶低
bring down on
bring forth
(文語) (1) 生產,致生; 結 <果> ,萌 <芽> ,開<花> April showers bring forth May flowers. (諺)四月的驟雨會帶來五月的花 (2) 提出,引起<問題等>