English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] :
Traditional Chinese Translation for "many":
n. 计,计adj. 砛pron. 砛 [ ° things to handle at the same time
; 砛 ° of the people are gathering over here
; (a great〓good °) 砛,秖 I have a good ° things to do this week.
; (° a) 砛 ° a time
; ; ]
Related Entries:
a good many
a great many
獶盽,砛 There are a great many of them. [ウ] 计獶盽
as many
△ many
as many again
,ㄢ There were three of us and as many again of them. иΤτΤㄢぇ(せ)
as many as
籔妓; 笷
as[like]so many