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English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] : [簡體]



Traditional Chinese Translation for "onion":
  onion n. 洋蔥 vt. 因洋蔥使掉淚     [beef and boiled ~s 牛肉配煮洋蔥; taste of ~ 洋蔥味; There is too much ~ in the soup. 這湯中有太多洋蔥; know one's onions (口語) (對工作等事) 徹底了解; 精明幹練; ; ]
Related Entries:

green onion     綠洋蔥

Bunching onion     分蔥

onion bodies     上皮珠

spring onion     蔥

Welsh onion     大蔥

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