English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] :
Traditional Chinese Translation for "side":
n. 旁邊,側,方面,血統,側邊,坡,岸,一 邊,一方 adj. 旁的,側的,次要的vt. 偏袒,同意,支持vi. 支持,贊助 [(過去式, 過去分詞: sided)
; A box has a top,a bottom and four ∼s. 一個盒子有一個底, 一個頂和四個側面.
; the ∼ of a mountain 山坡.
; wounded in the left ∼ 傷在左邊. Whose ∼ are you on? 你站在誰的一邊?
; (with) 同意,站在...的一邊 Who do you ∼ with? 你與誰站在一邊?
; (∼ by ∼) 並列,並肩 They live ∼ by ∼ on Elm Street. 他們並排住在榆樹街.
; ; ]
Related Entries:
a Jack of both side
be on the safe side
為慎重起見,妥加準備以防萬一 Let's be on the safe side and take the child to the doctor. 為了慎重起見,還是帶小孩去看醫生吧 It is always better [best] to be on the safe side. 妥加準備以防萬一總是較好 [上策] play (it) safe (口語)小心行事,不冒險 We'd better play (it) safe and start at once. 為慎重起見,我們最好立刻動身
blind side
by the side of
clear side
from side to side
左右地 The cart rattled by, swinging from side to ~. 兩輪運貨馬車發出嘎嘎聲,左右搖擺地駛過