n. 痕蹟,蹤蹟,韁繩,蹟線, 極少量,微量 vt. 跟蹤,追蹤,回溯,描繪,描摹,探索,由遺蹟發現 vi. 上溯,沿路走 [(過去式, 過去分詞: traced)
; no ∼ of the thief 沒有竊賊的任何線索.
; ∼ elements 微量元素
; He ∼d the map. 他描繪地圖.
; They ∼d her father. 他們跟蹤她的父親.
; The criminal was ∼d to Glasgow. 罪犯被跟蹤到格拉斯哥.
; He ∼d the words laboriously. 他用詞仔細.
; Archaeologists have ∼d many Roman roads to Britain. 考古學家發現許多羅馬的道路都通向英國.
; ∼...back...) 追溯至 He ∼s his descent back to an old Norman family. 他追溯他的家世到一個古諾曼底家族.
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