English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] :
Traditional Chinese Translation for "trial":
n. 審訊,審判,試驗,考驗,麻煩事adj. 嘗試的,試驗性的 [They gave the new typist a ∼. 他們給新打字員一個考驗.
; The judge conducted four ∼s in one day.法官一天執行四次審判.
; Take this machine on ∼ and then, if you like it, buy it. 試用這個機器,如果喜歡就買下來.
; by way of ~ 以試用的方式,作為試用 [嘗試] ; ]
Related Entries:
on one's trial
on trial
(1) 在審理中,審訊中 put a person on trial 將某人交付審判 He was on trial for theft. 他因盜竊罪而受審 (2) 試驗的結果 He was found on trial to be unqualified. 他經試用的結果,被認為不適任 (3) 試用 I took it on trial before buying it. 買它之前我先試用過
stand trial for
trial and error
n. 反復試驗,不斷摸索 learn by trial and error 在不斷摸索中學習
trial balance
trial by battle
→ trial