English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] :
Traditional Chinese Translation for "truth":
n. 事實,確實, 真實,真相, 真實性,忠實性,真理 [Tell me the ∼. 告訴我真相.
; I don't doubt the ∼ of his information. 我不懷疑他的信息的真實性.
; the ∼s of science 科學真理.
; in ∼. 實際上,的確
; This is in ∼ an ideal site for a power plant. 這的確是建電廠的理想位置.
; ; ]
Related Entries:
a home truth
n.老生常談,令人不快的真實情況 ,逆耳的老實話
God's truth
in truth
實際上,事實上,說 實在話,老實說
the moment of truth
(1) (鬥牛士) 即將一劍刺死牛的剎那 (2) 決定性的瞬間, (成敗的) 關鍵時刻
to tell the truth
老實說,說 實在話 To tell the truth, I don't know much about it. 說實在話,我對這件事知道得不多
the God's truth