
吕氏英汉字典[简体]: [繁体]



"inscribe" Chinese translation ("inscribe" in Chinese, "inscribe" 中文翻译, "inscribe"发音):
inscribe vt. 登记,铭记于,题写,雕刻    [~ names on a war memorial = ~ a war memorial with names The tombstone is ~d with her name and the date of her death. 墓碑上刻有她的名字和去世的日期 His mother's words were ~d in [on] his memory. 她母亲的话他时刻铭记在心 He ~d those poems to [for] his patron. 他将这些诗献给他的赞助人 an ~d stock (英)记名股票 an ~d circle 内接圆 ]

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