"nip" Chinese translation
("nip" in Chinese, "nip" 中文翻译,
n. 捏,夹,寒冷,小饮
vt. 捏,夹,钳,冻伤,阻止,剪断
vi. 夹,捏,刺骨,小饮 [A mantis ~ped my finger. 螳螂挟住我的手指
The dog nipped me on the arm. 那只狗咬我的手臂
I nipped my fingers in a train door. 我的手指给列车的门挟到了
~ off the shoots 摘取嫩芽
The cold wind has nipped my ears and nose. 寒风刺痛了我的耳鼻
<<词的变形>>:(nipped; nipping)
Related Entries (相关词条):
nip and tuck
It was nip and tuck but we won. 比赛虽势均力敌,但我们赢了
nip in
(1) → v.i. 2
(2) (车子、赛跑时) 突然插入
(3) 将<衣服等>缩短,把…弄窄
nip in the blossom
nip in the bud
(1) 在萌芽时摘取<植物>
(2) 防止<阴谋等>于未然