
吕氏英汉字典[简体]: [繁体]



"savor" Chinese translation ("savor" in Chinese, "savor" 中文翻译, "savor"发音):
savor n. 滋味,气味,食欲 vi. 有...的滋味 vt. 加调味品于,使有风味,尝到    [n. 滋味,气味,食欲 vi. 有...的滋味 vt. 加调味品于,使有风味,尝到]

savor n. 1 [又作 a ~] (特有的) 味,香味;风味2 ([又作 a ~] 情趣,趣味,兴趣,刺激3 [a ~][…的]意味,感觉[of]1 有[…]香味[of]┄2 [常指坏方面的] 有[…的]意思 [倾向,样子] [of] vt. (慢慢地) 品尝…    [This soup has a ~ of garlic. 这汤有大蒜味Wit adds (a) ~ to conversation. 机智给谈话添加情趣There was a ~ of insolence in his manner. 他的态度有些傲慢的样子This sauce ~s of lemon. 这个调味酱有柠檬味His talk ~s of self-conceit. 他的谈话给人以自负的感觉I took a mouthful and ~ed the taste. 我吃[喝]一口,慢慢地品尝其滋味We ~ed (the pleasures of) mountain life to the full. 我们充分体会了山居生活的乐趣]

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